Wednesday, April 9, 2008


On my holidays I went to the Alberca in Salamanca with my parents and my sister.We were there for 3 days and there was bad weather. The main activity that we did was hiking and visit the villages of this place.We arrived on tuesday and on wednesday I went to shopping with my friends(it was a very funn activity).On Thursday I went to Gandía with my friend Olga.We had a very great time and the weather was really good.We shopped ,we visited Gandía ,we went to the beach(we didn't swim),we played tennis etc.It was a great holidays but there were somethings that I didn't like ...

1)The traffic coming back to Gandía .

2)The book of 170 pages that Marcia gave me

3)The few days of holidays.

I like this holidays I hope that all my holidays will be like these.


Jordan Yeager said...

I might go to Salamanca next weekend! It sounds very nice! I'm surprised you didn't like the 170 page book you had to read ;-)

Evellyn Cyrene said...

I like the book but I read in few time because I can't read in Salamanca and it supposed that I was on HOLIDAYS!!!